Politics with Paul Podcast #20: Should SCOTUS Justices Have Term Limits?
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Episode 20 of the Politics with Paul Podcast — Should SCOTUS Justices Have Term Limits? — is now available.
- YouTube: https://youtu.be/2mdtyOncxEs
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/4v6SZcddFr0TZyJecKgbWR
- Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/politics-with-paul-20-should-scotus-justices-have-term/id1755201463?i=1000681005884
Calls for implementing term limits on the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) are not new, but they have seen amplified calls in recent years. But would term limits fix the issues with the current appointment process? Are lifetime outdated? There are a bunch of practical and philosophical considerations to think about in this debate such as the arguments made for and against lifetime terms versus fixed terms, how state supreme courts handle selection for their justices, and how an amendment to the US Constitution implementing SCOTUS term limits would be added. Today’s episode covers all this and more, including the joint resolution proposed by US Senators Joe Manchin and Peter Welch.
Today’s random question: What common grammatical/pronunciation mistake really grinds your gears? Leave your answer in the comments below or comment on the video where available.