Now Publicly Announcing: I Wrote a Book!

Paul Rader
2 min readNov 7, 2021


That’s right: I wrote and self-published my first book! With words! And pages!

You can buy it in ebook or paperback format here!

This is something I have been wanting to write for some time. I started writing it back in February 2021, just after being taken on by a company called Self-Publishing School (SPS). As the name suggests, SPS helps get authors who have a strong desire to publish their own book make the dream a reality. After about 10 months, I released my book towards the end of October.

If you have been reading my work since right about when I started writing on Medium, or happened to have gone back through my catalogue of posts here, you may remember one of my earliest pieces I published on this site called “Why do Independent Candidates Have a Hard Time Winning Elections?” The seeds of this book, therefore, were sown long before I actually started writing it, although that post wasn’t the earliest foundation, either. It’s been one of the most prominent political topics on my mind since during and after I finished my internship for grad school. In that internship, I worked with a very small company assisting independent campaigns and organizations. That internship, and the academic and practical experience I gained throughout the rest of grad school, heavily informed what I wrote in this book.

So, beyond the self-explanatory title and subtitle, what is this book about? It shows how a complex web of factors — such as voter psychology, election processes, media coverage, and independents themselves — work in tandem to thwart independent candidates’ chances at winning elections. Despite dissatisfaction with the Republican and Democratic Parties, large numbers of self-identified independents, and a significant proportion of people calling for a third major political party, there are very few independents that actually win elections. This book shows why that is the case.

But this book isn’t just for those who call themselves independents. It’s not meant to argue for or against more independents in elected offices. People of any political persuasion can get something out of it.

I’m beyond excited to finally share this work with the public. I linked the book’s Amazon store page above but I will link it down here as well.

Buy the ebook or paperback version of Why Independents Rarely Win Elections: And How They Could Become More Competitive here!

Thank you so much!



Paul Rader

Nonpartisan political analyst, researcher, and speaker; self-published author; bridging political divisions and closing gaps in civic knowledge